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Give them the power to pursue their dreams
Our Blog
Reflecting on National Financial Literacy Month
By Ashlyn Lower
Financial Literacy
In April, we celebrated National Financial Literacy Month, which some say could rightly be called JA Month! Through our programming, volunteers from the business community teach students from the early years in elementary school about how to earn money and the importance of saving all the way up to semester-long courses for high school students on personal finance and...
New Research Shows Teens are Re-Thinking the Future of Work
Blog from JA USA
By Kelsey Matzinger
Work Readiness
In today's world, teens are increasingly exploring alternatives to the traditional higher education route. Thats why Junior Achievement and Citizens conducted a study to gain insight into where teens' thoughts are when it comes to the cost of higher...
Jason Dempsey
By Ashlyn Lower
Work Readiness
Read Jason's full experience with JA and how it inspired his career...
JA My Story | Zach Fleming
Blog from JA USA
By Ed Grocholski
Community Involvement
Not every student plans to go to college and finds JA valuable in introducing young people to careers that dont require a degree, such as in the skilled trades, as well as occupations students can pursue straight out of high school. Volunteers often share their career journeys with students, making JA even more...
JA Worldwide Nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize
Blog from JA USA
By Ed Grocholski
Community Involvement
Were proud to announce that JA Worldwide has been nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, the second such honor in two years. Junior Achievement USA is a member of JA...
Volunteer Spotlight Series: Michelle Hawes
By Ashlyn Lower
Community Involvement
"The JA experience is unlike any other. Not only did I get to teach my children, and their classes, something I am personally passionate about I also got to see firsthand the impact I had on these students. I still have the letters from one of my classes over 7 years later....
Be A Game Changer
Blog from JA USA
By Kelsey Matzinger
Community Involvement
Volunteers are the game-changer! They are the player that ignites those around them to do better and be better. They are the player that changes the on court or on field energy thats a spark plug and leads the team to victory. They are the ones that young people...
Inspiring the Next Generation of Healthcare Professionals
By Ashlyn Lower
Work Readiness
JA recently gave 20 high school students a hands-on job shadow experience at Hartford Healthcares CESI. With rapid growth forecasted for careers in healthcare and high levels of career interest from high school students - this program was a perfect example of the JA...
The JA EFFECT Widening Horizons
Blog from JA USA
By Kelsey Matzinger
Work Readiness
When she was a child, Socheth McCutcheons family escaped Cambodia, which was under the control of the Khmer Rouge, in search of a better life in the United States. Socheths family settled in Revere, Massachusetts, near Boston. Socheth now serves as a volunteer for Junior Achievement in New Jersey. She feels it is important to pay it forward by being a role model for young people, especially...
Why JA? And Why Now? Financial Literacy as a Foundation for a Better Life
Blog from JA USA
By Ed Grocholski
Financial Literacy
At Junior Achievement, we view financial literacy as the other literacy. Just like reading or writing, we all deal with money on a near daily basis. Junior Achievement employs a pathways approach to teaching financial literacy to young people. By pathways, we mean that JA programs are designed to engage students on the subject over multiple grades, from their first days in kindergarten,...