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Give them the power to pursue their dreams

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HESS Volunteer Bridges Language Barriers to Give Student the Full JA Experience
Blog from JA USA

 By Cassie Benzinger

Work Readiness

As a sixth grader, it can be easy to feel confused or lost when first introduced to financial concepts such as taxes, interest, budgeting, 401k's, and insurance. After all, these are notions that many adults struggle to fully wrap their minds around. But imagine being introduced to these topics in a language you are just learning to speak. For one Ridgeview Middle School student, this is exactly...


JA Scholarship Student Highlight - Maggie Branch
Blog from JA USA

 By Evan Simmons

Work Readiness

Junior Achievement (JA) is excited to reward area students each school year with scholarship opportunities. This past year, JA of Abilene provided 15 students with a sum of $88,000 in scholarship awards . We look forward to introducing the 2015 scholarship recipients through this JA Blog series called "JA Scholarship Student Highlight" during the 2015 - 2016 school...


Parent Confirms JA Lessons' Impact
Blog from JA USA

 By Cassie Benzinger

Work Readiness

Volunteers interact with students every day, and many times never know...

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